Geosynthetic Railways

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Geosynthetic Railways

The use of geosynthetics in the construction of marine embankments and erosion control structures within waterways is now widely accepted as a cost effective replacement for traditional material.The use ofgeosynthetics within these applications has expanded over the years as technologists and engineers have innovated and exploited the unique properties of the products that have been developed. Geotextile filters can be deployed below marine breakwaters as an alternative to a traditional underlay, providing material savings and a reduction in overall construction costs. Specialist geocomposite cell structures can be used to provide effective erosion control and for the construction of rapid deployment flood defence systems.

Typical Coastal and Waterway Applications

  • Foreshores

  • Dams and flood bunds

  • River and canal banks

  • Lagoon, lake and reservoir shores

  • Culverts and outfalls

  • Ports, breakwaters, artificial islands and causeway

Within the transportation, infrastructure and built environment sectors, applications now include pervious paving systems, green roofs, geocellular tank systems, trench soakaways and reed beds. .